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school for for hope

All children have the right to schooling

Participate in shaping the project plan

We believe it is important that the money arrives.
Duniani for hope is registered as a non-profit non-profit association, according to Swedish law must
at least 90 percent of the association's money go to charity.

livestream - Coming soon

The children are part of the solution

We invite you to participate and shape the organization, follow the stream, help develop the association and together we create the world we want to see.

You are welcome to take part in everything we do, from shaping the project plan to adopting our first school.

Adopt one / several schools in one or more developing countries, we plan to renovate the school and to train the staff. We offer open documentation and budget, because we think it is important that the money comes out. We would like to inspire more people to get involved with us. We know that the school is an important key to the children's well-being and social development.

The School of Hope is a humanitarian charity that works ideally to lift children's rights in the world. The organization is politically and religiously independent

We have been in contact with a school in the slums in South Africa, Johannesburg. They want our help in renovating and developing the school ...

Everyone can participate and contribute to change, whether it be ideas, collaborations, donations, sponsorship or as a volunteer

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  • school for hope

According to Unicef, there are more than 263 million children in the world who do not go to school and the main cause is poverty and the way out of poverty is due to education. It is also about the safety of children, Unicef believes that through education we can prevent sexual exploitation of children, human trafficking and other heavy inhuman work.

We build on the Convention on the Rights of the Child since we strive to protect our children's rights


together we make a difference

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