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What keeps the student healthy

Salutogenic perspective - the origin of health, trying to find and develop the factors that create health. From the salutogenic perspective, one does not assume that health is a normal state, there are causes and reasons why people feel like they do, both mentally and physically. Salutogenic factors are found in the individual, in the family, in the social network, at the organizational level and at the community level. This perspective is important because the School of Hope promotes education, development to increase the individual's health and in the organization we work a lot from the salutogenic perspectives. School for hope's basic goal for school children is to offer: - Safe network - Good and supportive friends - Adult role models The school offers: - Responsive and empathetic leaders - Leader who provides positive feedback - Clear rules and goals - Variation in working methods - Opportunity for development - Possibility of participation and influence - Good atmosphere, cohesion and humor - Open communication - Good physical and mental school environment - Respect and trust between the students - Low stress level School of hope works and acts for - Laws and rules are followed - Financial safety net - Children's rights at all levels - A high quality school - Positive attitude towards young people - Safety and security The school of hope's goal with the students is to develop - social skills, empathy and helpfulness - Positive self-confidence and self-esteem - Success in school and other contexts / self-realization - Well-being and function in the school and society - Intelligence and creativity - Activity and energy - Physically active and physical health - Interests and hobbies - Hope and future faith - Relationships with peers and adults - Impulse control and temperament - Ability to resolve conflicts without violence - Belief that one can positively influence one's life and that of others - Power to resist peer pressure - Health and understanding of health

Written by: Mikael Roos

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